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The Amazing Grace

Tima Borges

Updated: Mar 5, 2022

The clock is ticking, and it seems to be going faster and faster with each passing minute, hour, day, and week that passes by. We’ve all heard or experienced the expression that time passes slowly when we are anxiously awaiting something exciting. Somehow this experience has been different. It’s as if we are on a race against time, and time really does seem to be flying by as we get closer and closer to September. Yet, we don’t give up. Every new day, we arise with renewed hope and trust.

Mater Boni Consilii Academy (MBCA) is a non-profit charity that was inspired through prayer. In July 2013 our Board of Directors was formed. In June 2014 we became a Registered Charity in Ontario. MBCA aims to provide an alternative to parents in Halton who desire a private school option for their children.

Our goal is to provide quality education and integral Catholic formation for students in grades K - 8. By providing small class sizes, hiring exemplary faculty who love Christ, have a genuine zeal for souls and love to teach. We will form tomorrow’s leaders to be virtuous servants who can engage the culture.

Our vision is to create Catholic education environment that equips students with skills to develop a formidable character, Christian leaders who respect God and others, live a spirit of service, and uphold personal convictions.

MBCA was slated to begin operating in September 2021. Which definitely created a sense of urgency to our effort. On August 11, 2021, the Board of Directors voted to postpone our opening to September 2022. We still need to fundraise for start up costs, now we have a few more months to do so. Our hope is to attain a property by June 2022 so we can run day camps over the summer and have the school in full operation by September 2022.

We launched our first fundraising campaign and we are inviting you to be part of this inaugural campaign. The goal of The Amazing Grace Campaign is to raise $50,000 we need to cover the start up costs.

What motivates the MBCA team members to keep up the race?

Here are 3 ways we are motivated to keep moving forward:

  • Our community: Many families in our community have been in touch with us because they are seeking a private school that offers authentic Catholic education. In Halton, there is no private school option that includes Catholic formation. MBCA is working to meet the needs of these families looking for academic excellence and Catholic formation in the Halton area.

A few families have taken the time to write letters of support to MBCA and have already formed a Parent Council. This Parent Council will be organizing fundraising events throughout the school year.

  • Responding to God’s call through our Blessed Mother: Since the start of this project as you can read in Our History one of our founding members, Paola Lecanda, has sensed that Our Blessed Mother is interceding and accompanying this initiative. Recently we invoked the intercession of St. Joseph and have realized that while MBCA started in the heart of Our Blessed Mother, it now rests on the shoulders of St. Joseph.

Being a member of the Board for MBCA and helping the Development Team has been a true learning experience for me,” said Tima Borges, Secretary for the Board, “Learning to practice virtue, but more so learning to place complete trust in God’s plan. While I am working with a team to create a community of educators and students, Mother Mary has called me to be one of her students to accept this call with complete humility, obedience and trust.”

  • A Call to Build the Kingdom: “Mary’s last biblical words summarize the personal mission Christ has placed in my heart: Do whatever he tells you. In my continued discernment, I have come to recognize the call to transform culture, which begins with the individual. Culture cannot only truly change by forcing it through protests, laws, etc. Culture develops within the heart of a community,” Michael Aguiar, Community Engagement Coordinator.

This encompasses an integrated pattern of knowledge, belief and behavior of people. It is the discovery of one’s morals, beliefs, understandings, and traditions. MBCA is the opportunity to transform this discovery in the hearts of our young people, helping them to choose sainthood.

We called this inaugural campaign “The Amazing Grace” because we do feel like we are in an amazing race that is showered with God’s grace. Having raised $15,000 before formally launching our campaign, receiving letters of support from families, and knowing that friends and strangers are uniting with us in prayer…all of this and more provides us the strength we need to keep going.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phillipians 4:13

MBCA Founding Member, Paola Lecanda shared, “One thought that comes clear to my heart is that Christ is calling us to move forward, work diligently , pray fervently and put MBCA in His hands. We know the "clock is ticking" but we trust that God has this and His will be done! Everything is for His Glory!”

In an effort to raise the initial $50,000 to cover the start-up costs, our goal is to acquire generous donors, who can give to The Amazing Grace Campaign. We pray and hope you will become a benefactor for MBCA. Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated and will offset the start up costs.

We understand the great responsibility we are taking on, as the Lord has entrusted this mission to us, we have marveled at how we started with nothing. We know we cannot build something out of nothing, but God can. We are committed to the work He has asked us to do, knowing we have a community who are accompanying us, so that together we can say, “We have fought the good fight, we have finished the race, and we have remained faithful.” 2 Timothy 4:7

Be part of our community and our story. Donate today!

You can donate online via Canada Helps or send an e-transfer to . If you prefer to mail us a cheque, please contact us at for details on where to send your cheque.

We appreciate all your support and your prayers. Learn more about Mater Boni Consilii Academy.

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